Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Oh, the joys of being the teacher... and the student.

Because I am a pre-service teacher, I have to complete several practicum courses before I student teach and certainly before I get my first steps into my own classroom. Three practicum courses to be exact. While I've already completed two of them, I am now in my special education practicum. Because I will be certified K-12 in special education and because I want to student teach in an elementary school, I am completing this practicum in the high school with freshmen.

Obviously during practicums, student teaching and even throughout ones teaching career there are a lot of observations that take place. And while we would like to do everything in our power to make sure that our students are perfect angels when this is happening, sometimes there is just nothing we can do.

I had my first observation in my special education room about a week ago. It went something like this:
(*Mrs. A is the classroom teacher, *Clark is one of my students)

While I am getting stuff arranged and getting the other students where they need to be... 
Mrs. A: Clark, will you please come over to this table so Ms. R can do an activity with you?

Clark: Why can't we do the activity over here? I like this table better...

Mrs. A: Because the smart board is over there and we need the smart board today.

Clark: Well, can we bring this [huge 4 x 6 foot rectangular] table over there? I like this table better.

Ms. R: Hey, Clark, are you going to join us for class today?

Clark: (looking at Ms. A) Why? She just wants me to participate so she can impress her teacher friend that is coming.

Clark: (Getting a dirty look from Mrs. A and then looking at me) I mean that as respectfully as possible.

Ms. R: (chuckling to myself) Well, thank you, Clark, for being so respectful.

Now, lets be clear, I didn't even mention to the students the previous day that I was going to be observed. I felt that it would have just set me up for failure. Earlier in the day Mrs. A had clearly warned the students for me and told them they need to be respectful.

And for the record... the observation and activity went splendidly!

* names have been changed to protect the (not always so) innocent.